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2021 Uranian New Moon Calendar

Writer's picture: Starseed AstrologyStarseed Astrology

"Be the Light through the storm"

New moons are the astrological guidestones of each calendar year. No matter what transpires here on Earth their dates can always be trusted as times when new waves of divine energy will enter our lives. The mother of all alchemy advances eternally through the zodiac wheel and we are wise to observe her course through our own God-given birth charts that we may live in harmony with her sequential path of ascension. With love and intention of enhancing your journey through 2021 we offer this unique Uranian lunar calendar which you can reference month-to-month to see and understand how the energies will change.

By superimposing each new moon activation degree into your birth chart you'll understand which of your houses will be positively activated and when. This will give you a very good sense for which areas of your life will bloom and when which naturally enhances decision making and the timing of energy investment. Also take note of any special aspects that each new moon may make to key placements in your birth chart like, for example, your natal Jupiter, Venus or Pars Fortuna. If a new moon activates something in your chart the energy/potential of that placement will become highly prominent during that specific lunar cycle.

Here are some examples of how this works: if your 10th house of career is signed with Aries then you can expect positive career developments after the new moon in Aries. If your 2nd house is signed with Aquarius then you can expect positive economic developments after the new moon in Aquarius. And if your 6th house is signed with Pisces then you can expect positive health and employment developments after the new moon in Pisces. This is the simple essence of how new moon energies work through our charts and lives. To receive the most benefit from this calendar you'll need your own birth chart.

Without further ado, here are the future new moons of 2021. Utilize our Uranian symbol key to gain a deeper understanding on the symbolism in these lunar charts. And for a more personalized outlook try our Future Forecast report.

February 11th, 2021: New Moon @ 23° Aquarius

Special Features: New Moon trines Zeus Rx at 22° Libra, New Moon conjuncts Athena in Aquarius, Athena trines Zeus Rx, Jupiter/Venus conjunct in Aquarius, Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus, Hera in Sagittarius opposes North Node, Mercury Rx trines North Node, Mars in Taurus conjunct royal Aldebaran

March 13th, 2021: New Moon @ 23° Pisces

Special Features: New Moon quincunx Zeus Rx at 21° Libra, New Moon squares Hera in Sagittarius, Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus, Demeter conjuncts Chiron at 7° Aries, Mars at 5° Gemini quincunx Apollo Rx at 4° Scorpio, Venus conjuncts Neptune at 20° Pisces, Jupiter trines Zeus Rx at 21° Libra

April 11th, 2021: New Moon @ 22° Aries

Special Features: New Moon opposes Zeus Rx in Libra, New Moon sextiles Mars in Gemini, New Moon trines Hera in Sagittarius, Venus in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn, Jupiter in Aquarius semi-sextile Pluto in Capricorn, Mars in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces, Pluto retrogrades at 26 Capricorn on April 27th!

May 11th, 2021: New Moon @ 21° Taurus

Special Features: New Moon at 21° Taurus forms rare Yod "Finger of God" apex with Zeus Rx at 21° Libra and Hera Rx at 21° Sagittarius as bases, Mars in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries, Mars sextiles Uranus at 11° Taurus, Jupiter transits into Pisces! Mercury conjuncts North Node at 11° Gemini, Mercury trines Saturn

June 10th, 2021: New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse @ 19° Gemini

Special Features: New Moon conjuncts Mercury Rx, New Moon trines Zeus Rx at 20° Libra, Venus conjuncts Hades in Cancer, Demeter conjuncts Uranus in Taurus, Athena conjuncts Neptune in Pisces, Jupiter in Pisces opposes Pleroma in Virgo, Jupiter trines Apollo Rx in Scorpio, Jupiter quincunx Vulcan in Leo

July 9th, 2021: New Moon @ 18° Cancer

Special Features: New Moon semi-sextile Mars at 17° Leo, New Moon squares Zeus prograde at 20 Libra, Venus conjuncts Mars in Leo, Chiron in Aries semi-sextiles Uranus in Taurus, Venus in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus, Athena in Pisces sextiles Pluto in Capricorn, Jupiter Rx in Pisces opposes Pleroma in Virgo

Aug 8th, 2021: New Moon @ 16° Leo

Special Features: New Moon squares Uranus at 14°44 Taurus! Vulcan in Leo squares Apollo in Scorpio, Hera in Sagittarius opposes North Node in Gemini, Demeter conjuncts Hercules in Gemini, Mars in Virgo squares North Node in Gemini, Venus in Virgo semi-sextiles Zeus, Jupiter retros deeper into Aquarius

September 6th, 2021: New Moon @ 14° Virgo

Special Features: New Moon trines Uranus Rx at 14° Taurus, Mars in Virgo trines Pluto Rx in Capricorn! Mars quincunx Jupiter Rx in Aquarius! Mercury in Libra opposes Chiron Rx in Aries, Venus in Libra trines Jupiter Rx, Jupiter Rx semi-sextiles Pluto Rx in Capricorn, Hera in Sagittarius trines Chiron Rx in Aries exact

October 6th, 2021: New Moon @ 13° Libra

Special Features: New Moon conjuncts Mars at 13 Libra! Mercury Rx conjuncts Zeus at 21 Libra, Jupiter Rx at 22 Aquarius trines Zeus! New Moon quincunx Uranus Rx at 13 Taurus, Mars in Libra quincunx Uranus in Taurus, Apollo in Scorpio quincunx North Node in Gemini, Apollo sextiles Pleroma in Virgo

November 4th, 2021: New Moon @ 12° Scorpio

Special Features: New Moon opposes Uranus Rx at 12° Taurus, New Moon trines Hades in Cancer, Mars conjuncts Apollo at 4° Scorpio, Jupiter at 22° perfect trine to Zeus at 22° Libra! Hera in Sagittarius semi-sextile Pluto in Capricorn, Hercules Rx conjuncts the North Node in Gemini, Eros in Capricorn trines Pleroma in Virgo

December 4th, 2021: New Moon @ 12° Sagittarius

Special Features: New Moon quincunx Uranus Rx at 11° Taurus, New Moon quincunx Hades at 11° Cancer, New Moon squares Athena in Pisces, Mars in Scorpio squares Jupiter in Aquarius! Jupiter semi-sextiles Pluto in Capricorn, Hera in Capricorn squares Chiron Rx in Aries, Venus in Capricorn sextiles Mars

Everything that we collectively experience as a race this year can be perceived and observed through the symbolic depth of these charts. We encourage you to follow these new moon developments in your own birth chart as this practice will enable a higher level of cosmic alignment and blessing in your personal life. We are available to provide one-on-one consultation should you need more specific expert guidance and our popular Starseed SMS service can also be utilized for a higher level of transit insight, cosmic perspective and spiritual guidance. We welcome you to join our new social presence on Gab and our email list below.

Wishing you cosmic blessings,

Astrologer Salvador Russo


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