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The Astrology and Implications of the 2018 Farm Bill

The first major legislative victory that corresponds to the Uranus transit of Taurus has just been signed into law by President Trump! The Farm Bill of 2018 will create a golden revolution in the agricultural world that will eventually lead to the international industrialization of hemp and the fulfillment of ancient scriptural promises. The tree of life will soon be planted as the age to come is prepared before our very eyes! Understand that this glorious bill sources from the light of Uranus in Taurus which was secretly planted in the 8th house firmament of the astrologically resurrected United States of America back in May of this year when Uranus first entered Taurus. With many of my former predictions of the Uranus transit of Taurus already proving true, I encourage you all to have great optimism about the economic future of the world. Make no mistake, this is golden age legislation manifesting in divine astrological timing and in accordance with God's promises.

( 2 Esdras 8:52, Apochrypha)

Golden Age Laws

The laws of the golden age will precede the physical manifestation of the golden age. We will see this astrological truth proven throughout the whole world in accordance with specific planetary timing. Of all the planets to watch it will be Jupiter and Uranus that will yield the great laws that will gild our collective future. For example, as President Trump signed the revolutionary Farm Bill into law the Sagittarius Sun trined Uranus retrograde in Aries exactly while a Mercury/Jupiter conjunction formed in Sagittarius. This is clear astrological proof of two powerful truths: that golden age laws will manifest through Jupiter and Uranus, as I've presented, and that once again President Trump reveals himself to be a great servant of God as he channels some of the most beneficial astrological energies in existence through his executive actions. A new gold rush will now be born into life here in the USA and I predict, once again, that industrial hemp will become an international norm.

Hemp, The Tree of Life

The legalization of industrial hemp is a golden milestone in the wars against hunger and poverty. President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will forever hold the honor of leading and sealing this law into life. The hemp boom is coming and it will be wise for us all to partake in it one way or the other. As the economy blooms in this wonderful new way remember that it all connects to one of God's old promises for our golden age. Most Christians are unaware of the wisdom and insight contained in the apocryphal work titled "2 Esdras" which is where the highlighted verse above originates. It is our belief, as with many other mystics around the world, that hemp is the earthy manifestation of the biblical tree of life. We believe that it qualifies to be "the plant of renown" that can "heal the nations." When one considers all of its divine qualities and potential uses it is quite easy to come to the same conclusion. The tree of life will bloom beneath the influence of Uranus in Taurus!

Ascension Food Revolution

Hemp seed is a perfect protein and a nutritional powerhouse unlike any other. Hemp seed will eventually overtake and replace the meat and dairy industries that are responsible for millions and millions of human and animal deaths. Consumers will now be able to access delicious, high-protein hemp foods that promote physical healing, peak performance, optimal health, and spiritual ascension instead of the slaughtered animal flesh that leads to our premature death. The legalization of industrial hemp will lead to an ascension food revolution. Some of you who are reading this now will play a major role in this ascension food revolution to come. God wants our food to be pure and powerfully beneficial for our health while also being produced in harmony with nature. Vegan glory days are ahead as an explosion of innovation, consumer demand, and economic growth will be occurring in this blessed sector. We are what we eat so be wise and transition into the divine tree of life proteins.

Merry Christmas

As genuine Christian mystics Amari and I would like to wish you all a divine and magical Christmas holiday. We are grateful to God and to Christ, our King, for the blessings in our life. We wish these same types of blessings for you and your loved ones. We hope that you enjoyed this brief but extremely important perspective on President Trump's signing of the Farm Bill. We are so thrilled by its full manifestation that we will be celebrating. For those who don't know Amari and I have been dedicated vegans for about seven years. Because of veganism we enjoy great health, strength and spiritual connectivity. For us veganism was a form of initiation into higher levels of spiritual development. We will always recommend veganism because it enables us to conquer and prevent disease while raising our inner light towards our highest evolutionary potentials. If you value our work we ask that you share our site and articles. We are often censored because of the quality, accuracy and positivity of our work.

Conscious media scares the system,

Astrologer Salvador Russo


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